Friday, April 22, 2011

Silly J

He had a softball game last night & went for beers afterward with the guys. When he came home, I could tell he was feeling buzzed from the beer.  I was already in bed and he came over to me, laid on top of me and said "do you feel pregnant yet?"  I laughed and said, "no, do you?" He doesn't understand that it takes a while for the egg to implant (like 6-12 days). It's cute :) I'm only 5dpiui, so I wouldn't be having any symptoms yet.

I am planning on taking a test on Wednesday and Thursday morning of next week, though. I'll be 10-11 dpiui, so it's possible that a positive might show up on a test. Since we are leaving Thursday morning for St. Pete with his parents, I want to know!  I don't want to test while we are away, because if I am, I want J & I to have our time to celebrate alone before his family gets involved. Besides, I'm due to get AF on that Saturday or Sunday when we are still there. So if AF comes, obviously I'll have my answer.

I am looking forward to this trip! I LOVE the beach.  I feel so peaceful when I'm there. We are going to J's cousin's wedding. She is going to be a beautiful bride & the wedding should be a good time!  Plus, it'll be so nice to see J's Nanny.  She's 92 years old and still lights up a room.  We all love her so much.  The sad part is that this might be the last time J gets to see her.  Since she lives in Florida, it's not easy for us to get down there very often. She's just an awesome lady... 

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